GOD BLESS Animated, waving US Flag AMERICA!

WTC Tribute Cartoons

This special page contains "Editorial Cartoons" that I found to be especially meaningful. I pray that you will be blessed by them, as I was. :) I will add more as I come across them.

Personally, I think the weeping Uncle Sam carrying the fallen Fireman is the most touching, and is the BEST one.

Second best is the Uncle Sam, offering a prayer of thanks. We genuinely should do likewise!

There's now a 3'rd place best... "9/11/03"

If you see something good, please E-mail me! :)

A few more were added on 3/14/02, 9/20/03, 11/28/04


This one really touched me! <:'( It still does.


They called, We answered!

I would LOVE to hear your opinions! Please E-Mail me with your thoughts!!!