GOD BLESS Animated, waving US Flag AMERICA!

We Remember

WHY DID IT HAPPEN??? (Scroll down)

I created this in the days immediately following.
To preserve the original meaning and emotion, any changes are only updates and additions.

I guess you could call this my 9/11 BLOG, as that is what it has become.
(I started this before Blogging was popular. Now the description fits.)
I hope it encourages you... there's a LOT here!

This page has been revised several times.
Last: 5/1/11 : Osama Bin Laden is DEAD!
He was brought to ULTIMATE JUSTICE
by the BRAVE men of the US Navy Seals!

On 8/21/2006, I added a link to SAVE THE STAIRS.
Thankfully, they were saved,
and have become a permanent part of the WTC Memorial site.

These are my raw, unedited thoughts...

Where can I even begin to begin??? <:'(

The events of September 11, 2001 are, without question, the most HORRIFFIC things to ever happen to this Nation. The loss of life is in the THOUSANDS. The grief cannot even be measured. I was numb for days... occaisionally breaking down into shaking sobs. No, I don't know anyone who was there... but I grieve as though I did. I don't want to see any more pictures of those once-majestic buildings on fire, either.

Although my Faith has been hit, and hit very hard, it still stands! I know that GOD is in control, and that all things work together according to HIS plan and purpose... The hard question still echoes in my mind, "WHY, God? Why did so many have to die, and in such a horrible way?" We may never know the answer to this question, we just have to TRUST that the LORD's Plan will unfold according to His Will.

I've never been inside the World Trade Center towers, but I have seen them from a mile or so away. Ever since that terrible day, I have colleced a number of beautiful pictures of them; lit by a golden sunset, or with the office windows providing interesting contrasts of light and dark patterns up and down the building's faces. Now, seeing pictures of New York with those two towers missing, just seems very strange! <:'( The worst part, though, is the loss of so many innocent lives. Thankfully, the Death Toll has been constantly DROPPING, as the lists are revised an re-checked.

I've been seeing this ONGOING, huge surge in Patriotism, and it is very encouraging! When I drive down the street, holding a flag high out of the window of my car, it is very encouraging to see people give a thumbs-up, honk their horns, or wave their own flag! To me, displaying a Flag is more than just pride in my Country... it is what that special piece of cloth MEANS... this Country was founded upon GOD'S WORD! Our Forefathers based this Nation upon the principles in God's Word, and for our FREEDOM to WORSHIP HIM in Spirit and in Truth! Months later, the flags are still flying EVERYWHERE, and I am THANKFUL!

When I wave a Flag, it is because I am free to WORSHIP The Living GOD!

When I wave a Flag, I wave it as an offering to the LORD, that He would continue to protect this Nation.

When I wave a Flag, it is to show support, and to remind me to PRAY for our President and all of his staff.

When I wave a Flag, it reminds me of all those brave Soldiers, Firemen, and Police who gave their lives, and who daily RISK their lives to protect what it stands for.

When I wave a Flag, it is to encourage others who see it, as I am encouraged by theirs!

5/1/11 - Now, we can wave those flags anew, in honor of those whose lives were lost, but also in honor of JUSTICE! It took almost ten years, but FINALLY, thanks to SO MANY, the MISSION was accomplished, and Osama Bin Laden has been brought to ULTIMATE JUSTICE. We do not celebrate the death of a man, we celebrate JUSTICE and VICTORY over EVIL!


There really is no "cut and dry" answer. There are a number of different views, and I really don't know for sure which is right... but I can ABSOLUTELY say that God did NOT *CAUSE* this tragedy! There is a Devil, and he is always busy trying to steal, kill, and destroy. His power is limited, though... he can only work his terrible acts in and through people who WANT to do evil. This was the choice that God gave to Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden - - - to choose knowledge of GOOD & EVIL, and they made the wrong choice. Ever since then, *SIN* has been permitted into the world, and mankind has had to endure it's hardships ever since.

This is why Jesus came... to make a way for Mankind to be FORGIVEN of their Sin, and also to be SET FREE from the power of its grasp! :) My wife and I experienced this wonderful freedom in the mid 1980's. The joy is because we have this wonderful RELATIONSHIP with God! :) It is SO MUCH MORE than just a "Religion".

As for why this horrible thing happened, I can only make an educated GUESS.

Over 200 years go, this Nation was founded by great men of Faith... men who deeply believed in God, and also had a RELATIONSHIP with Him. They came from England to this far-away place, because they wanted to have the FREEDOM to worship the LORD in Spirit and in Truth. England's "Offical Church" would not permit this... so they left. When they came here, they started the foundation of this new Nation with the "Mayflower Compact". (Do you remember hearing about it in History class?) That document started with these powerful words: "IN THE NAME OF GOD. AMEN." They then spelled out the very first, simple rules of Government. As time progressed and the number of poeple here increased, they needed to establish a more detailed list of Laws, and that is when they drafted the Constitution of the United States.

That beautiful Document gives everyone in this Nation the FREEDOM to worship God, or NOT to. The freedom to be Democrat or Republican, even anti-American, if they choose. (Personally, I think those people who are anti-American should LEAVE. Let them just TRY to find another country like this... not likely!)

It was also a very long time ago that this Nation adopted the Motto, "In GOD we Trust". As I'm sure you have seen in recent years, that this Nation has been turning further & further away from God. Pathetic lawyers have been bringing up lawsuits to stop CHILDREN from being able to PRAY or to even say "God Bless America"!! Some businesses were prohibiting their employees from having any kind of Christian symbols on the job, etc. Movies and now even broadcast programming blasphemes God on a regular basis. Pornography & immorality run rampant. As this Nation was continuing to turn it's back on God, they were becoming more and more DISTANT from Him.

What does this mean? Well, the Bible describes God in many ways. Several of those descriptions are "A Strong Tower", a "Mighty Fortress", and a "Place of Refuge". What happens to a person who steps out from under the protection of an umbrella, when it is raining? They get wet, of course! This Nation has been steadily moving farther and farther out from under God's "umbrella" of protection. We have gone so far away from God, that we were now leaving the protection of His "umbrella"... and once that happened, Satan was able to persuade EVIL MEN to make these horrible plans, and to carry out this unspeakable act.

I couldn't help but notice something... these attacks were all very close to the shore... the "EDGE" of the Country... the part that would be the first to come out from under the "umbrella", so to speak. (This is only my THEORY.) This is the only reason I can think of, that something so hideous could happen... this Nation was moving SO FAR AWAY from God, that they were leaving His protection behind... and as soon as there was an opening, Satan was RIGHT THERE to stab at it... and stab at it he did! >:[

It has been said again and again, that God will turn something which was meant for evil, into something GOOD! Just look around you... in the past week, have you EVER seen so many flags? Not even on the 4'th of July!!!! Listen to the radio... they are playing Patriotic songs, and so many people are now saying, "God Bless America"!!!!! Churches are *FULL* on Sunday mornings!!! All of a sudden, the whole Nation is in SHOCK.. we are mourning, but we are also turning BACK TO GOD!!!!

(Update: 2006 - unfortunately, this trend has turned around... Churches are no longer full like they were in the days following the attacks. Life got back to "normal" and people forgot God. Shame on them.)

Those words are based upon a letter I wrote to my cousin, who asked me why I thought this horrible thing happened. After I read it, I thought... "I should put this on the WEB, so others can be encouraged by it." This is the result. I sincerely pray that it HAS encouraged you, even as it encouraged me just writing it!

During the first week of the US/Coalition bombing in Afghanistan, I saw something on the news that made me stand up laughing and crying... The camera zoomed-in on the nose of a new bomb where a soldier had scrawled, "FROM TODD BEAMER!" Like I said, I both laughed and cried when I saw that! "How perfect!!" I shouted. It was an interesting and appropriate tribute to a civilian gentleman who paid the ultimate sacrifice to stop more tragedies. The camera moved to several other bombs, and similar messages had been scribbled across the nose of each one. Even though there really is nothing humorous about WAR, that simple gesture truly speaks volumes about American SPIRIT *AND* sense of humor!! ;)

I'll never forget my thoughts on that terrible day... "The world is going to change, now. Life is going to be different. I don't know how, but it will." I remember saying that to my wife. We're seeing some of it, now... but for the most part, life is back to a fairly normal routine for most people in the USA... but not for everyone. There are those whose loved ones are gone, forever. There are others with scars, physical and/or emotional, that may never fully heal. There are dramatic changes to Security at our airports and air travel. The Military is involved in an ongoing war against terrorism in the Middle East and other parts of the World. The Government has more than enough to do, dealing with the increased security measures that have been in effect since it happened... but like our President said, we MUST KEEP MOVING FORWARD!

So, I add these thoughts, now, as I re-read this page, and decided it was time to update it, again. :) I may still add to this page some more as I continue to "process" these incomprehensible events and their aftermath, and as I get responses from various people, and catch interesting anecdotes from the News.

I've been reviewing the site, and removing some "broken links" from these WTC TRIBUTE pages. I am saddened that several outstanding Tribute pages are no longer functional! <:'( Although the memories of the horrors of 9/11 may begin to fade, there are those for whom this tragedy will NEVER fade! It is my intention to keep THESE WTC Tribute pages here for as long as this Morning Light WEBsite exists!

With the recent release of the movie, "Flight 93", I just had to add a few more thoughts to this page...

I am not going to see it. (And I did't.)

No, I am not "sticking my head in the sand" by refusing to see this movie. I wasn't there, but I know what happened. When the Media released the 911 call center tapes, and Black Box recordings, I deliberately avoided them. I don't WANT to hear the anguished cries of those people!!! I want to remember them for the heroes they were... and I don't need to hear those recordings to grieve my heart any further.

I lived through the horror of watching those horrible events. I couldn't get the thoughts of "those poor people!!!!" out of my mind, as they showed the plane, literally, "disappear" into the building, only to emerge as a fireball on the other side. Those poor, innocent people... some on their way home, some on business, others with loved ones eagerly awaiting their arrival, others sad at their departure... others in the buildings, just getting settled at their desks after the weekend... only to have their lives ended so horribly, so senselessly, so violently...

I also cannot get those images out of my head of people jumping to their deaths from the windows that they had smashed open. This wasn't some Hollywood disaster flick, like "Towering Inferno" (which I never saw, BTW) this was REAL! These were REAL PEOPLE who were REALLY DYING!!! There was no air mattress to break their fall, no parachute... just hard concrete... SPLAT! :'(

I also cannot ever forget the images of those majestic buildings distinegrateing into rubble, live on TV, and how I said "Oh, Dear GOD, NO! Dear God, NO!!" over and over... I cannot forget the destroyed, blackened portion of the Pentagon, or that hideous, gaping hole in the ground in PA. All I ever saw of any of this were the images on TV... and they are BURNED into my mind with a red-hot branding iron. I CAN **NOT** FORGET THEM!!!

I DO NOT NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE to realize the horror, nor to "remind" me thereof!!!! :O

I wish I *COULD* forget!! but I know that that is anatomically impossible, so I give it over to JESUS, and let Him help me with those horrible memories.

All of my life, even before I gave my heart to Christ, I have ALWAYS shunned "horror" movies. I NEVER liked them. You see, I have this God-given gift of EMPATHY- I just can't help it, my imagination kicks into overdrive, and I find myself in the place of the victims. Sad movies make me cry. "Touched by an Angel" almost ALWAYS brought me to tears. It's just the way God made me. On 9/11, that empathy system was severely overloaded... only God helped me get through it.

Now they release a new movie about 9/11, and the two Port Authority Police who were rescued. The movie has gotten good reviews... but I am not going to see it. I can't. Even still, when I see images of that day of destruction, I have to look away. Nearly 5 years later, my eyes still well with tears at the memory of this horriffic day. It is PATRIOTS DAY on the calendar, and I like to remember it that way... Patriots and GENUINE HEROES!

In honor of those heroes who raced up these stairs, never to return, and those who raced down them, to live and tell the stories...

WTC Survivor's Stairs

Thanks to a petition to the people in charge, to PRESERVE THE SURVIVOR'S STAIRS, they WILL keep them intact and displayed clearly in the Memorial area of the new WTC site when it is completed! :)

09/12/2006 Well, here we are... five years and a day later. I was listening to the radio yesterday, Patriot's Day, to catch some of the ceremonies taking place at Ground Zero. I don't know anyone who died that day... yet I am STILL moved to tears by the memory of this horrible event. I don't know if that effect will ever leave me. In a way, I hope it never does. WE CAN NOT FORGET! That's why I am glad that my calendars all now say "Patriot's Day" on September the 11'th.

I was listening to the radio and NOT watching the TV, because I DON'T want to see those images anymore... they are already PAINFULLY BURNED into my memory. I don't want or need to see them. Hearing the moving tributes was enough, and I am glad I was able to tune them in. The President's speech was interesting and encouraging as well. Thank you, Mr. Bush, for being there and for being stong in the face of this unprecidented violence against the USA. It's a tough test of any man, and with God's help, you endured and guided our Nation through it. We're not out of it, yet. Terrorists abound, and they hate us. We can never let our guard down. Not even for an instant.

Thinking of NOT forgetting... I sure hope that they do manage to preserve those stairs, too! Without them, the death toll would have been much higher. That's very significant!

Thank you for reading... thank you for listening... thank you for PRAYING!!!

This morning, it is the 7'th anniversary. We have been commemorating this as "Patriot's Day" ever since. We will never forget. How can we?

(5/1/2011) FINALLY!!!
It was truly amazing, to watch the throngs of people gathering outside the White House fence, Times Square, Ground Zero, etc, waving flags, chanting "USA! USA! USA!" as the news began to spread, "OSAMA IS DEAD!"

YES! After all this time, JUSTICE has FINALLY been SERVED!

By the hard work and determination of SO MANY, from our Government leaders, and our brave Military, ULTIMATE JUSTICE has been SERVED to Osama Bin Laden! It took nearly 10 years, but WE FINALLY GOT HIM!! As Christians, we don't celebrate the death of a man, we celebrate the TRIUMPH of JUSTICE over the EVIL that he represented.

PROVERBS 11:10 "When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoiceth: and when the wicked perish, [there is] shouting."

Here we are... THIRTEEN YEARS later. I see many people on Facebook, posting beautiful images with slogans "Never Forget"... I understand the sentiment... so I am not scolding anyone. I am just stating my own feelings, here. It is ***IMPOSSIBLE*** for me to forget! Period. I've said is so many times, already... these images are SEARED into my memory, so it is completely IMPOSSIBLE for me to forget. :'(

To be continued..? I'm not sure! :)


Here is a beautiful TRIBUTE page that I am (still) building, with YOUR help!

I would LOVE to hear your opinions! Please E-Mail me with your thoughts!!!